Friday, February 24, 2012

"Food is Fun" - English Muffin Pizzas

I guess I'll start my first blog post with a simple, easy, and FUN recipe.  Today was a warm 75 degree February day here in Virginia, and my daughter and I had been having a great time playing outside.  And then, of course, a nasty storm rolled in and ruined our fun.  My 2 year old was quite disappointed, so I decided that tonight for dinner, we were going to make it together!  I figured a good recipe to start with would be one I've been making since I was a child, and probably a number of you have as well!

English Muffin Pizzas
English Muffins
Jar of pizza sauce or tomato sauce (we use Prego)
1 8oz bag of mozzerella cheese
Any additional pizza toppings you may want to add

Three simple ingredients can mean a boatload of fun!  Since my husband has to work til 9pm tonight, we were just making them for the two of us.  However, because a little girl got hungry as we started, we actually used 3 English muffins.

First, we take our English muffins, cut or break them in half, and lay them out on a plate.

Then, using a spoon, scoop the sauce from the jar and onto the English muffins.  You can use the back of the spoon to spread the sauce.  The amount of sauce you use will vary by personal preference.

After the sauce has been added, take the mozzarella cheese and sprinkle (or dump in the case of my toddler) the cheese onto the English muffins.  The amount of cheese will also be personal preference (as will any additional toppings you decide to use).  We are a cheese-loving family, so we easily go through a half bag of cheese for two muffins!

After adding the cheese you, place them in the microwave for 60-90 seconds, or until the cheese is melted.  They may be pretty hot after you pull them out, so let them cool for a minute, especially if giving them to your kids!

Then all you have to do is enjoy!  A simple, easy meal that you can get your kids into, and that the entire family will love!  I know I had a blast with Kaelyn making these! She's going to be 2 in March, and she already enjoys making and eating these!  I see many more kid-friendly recipes coming to the blog in the future!  Enjoy!

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